
上等な安息日に欠かせない上等な人と物 Habanos Knot Brands Story

Habanos, S.A. bets on Duty Free and Travel Retail, and launches its new specialty Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills at the Habanos Premier virtual event

ハバノスは、免税店とトラベルリテールに向け、ハバノスプレミアバーチャルイベントで新しいロメオイフリエタ ワイドチャーチルを発表した。

Habanos, S.A. bets on Duty Free and Travel Retail, and launches its new specialty Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills at the Habanos Premier virtual event.

Once again this year, Habanos, S.A. bets on Duty Free and Travel Retail, channels that have suffered greatly from the Pandemic, but which in recent years accounted for more than 30% of Habanos sales worldwide.
The traveler and the aficionado find in these channels a very good opportunity to have a very special product either to enjoy it or to buy a perfect gift for Habanos enthusiasts of luxury, lifestyle and pleasure.


Leopoldo Cintra González, Commercial Vice-President, and José María López Inchaurbe, Development Vice-President of Habanos, S.A., believe that "all the products designed for travelers will help to recover the performance in the DF & TR Channels, and of course the Habanos are and will be one of them. The success of the 14 special editions launched so far in these Channels proves it. Brands such as Montecristo, with which we inaugurated this specialty, Cohiba, Partagás, H. Upmann and Trinidad, among others, enjoyed all enthusiasts’ travelers of luxury, travels and the Habanos".

コマーシャルバイスプレジデントであるレオポルド シントラ ゴンザレス、ハバノスの開発バイスプレジデントであるホセ マリア ロペス ンチャウルベは、「旅行者向けに設計されたすべての製品は、DFおよびTRチャネル、そしてもちろん、ハバノスはそのひとつであり、今後もそうなるでしょう。」

Habanos, S.A. once again surprised its enthusiasts around the world with a new virtual event, Habanos Premier, in which it presented the special launching of this year for the Duty Free and Travel Retail channels: Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills.

ハバノスは、新しいバーチャルイベントであるHabanos Premierで世界中の愛好家を再び驚かせた。

La Habana, October 26th, 2021




